
Solve Epipolar Constraint by Optimization over Unit Sphere Manifold


While estimating the transform between two images, one has to solve the Essential Matrix according to Epipolar Constraint:

\[ x_2^\top E x_1 = 0 \tag{1-1} \]

Five-point-algorithm and eight-point-algorithm are both applicable. Here I take eight-point algorithm as example. The essential matrix is vectorized, and equation (1-1) is transformed to a homogeneous equation in form \(Ax = 0\). The homogeneous equation can be solved by SVD, and the essential matrix will be recovered from vector \(x\).

However, according to the definition of essential matrix:

\[ E = \{ S R | S = t^\wedge \in \mathfrak{so}(3), R \in SO(3)\} \tag{1-2} \]

Singular values of a essential matrix are \([1,1,0]\) [1]. In order to make the solution "essential", a general solution[2] is to SVD the result and replace its singular value with \([1,1,0]\). The matrix \(\hat E\) is the projection of matrix \(E\) on essential manifold. By decomposing motion from essential matrix, one will get four solutions. Only one of the four solutions is available, whose feature points have position depth in camera. Finally, the rotation matrix and translation vector are recovered.

\[ \hat E = U_E \text{diag}(1,1,0) V_E^\top \tag{1-3} \]

In this article, I am going to implement an optimization based method to find the essential matrix.

Problem Formulation


Few papers talk about properties of essential manifold. Let's see what will happen if I solve the problem with only constraint the rotation matrix. I parameterize the essential matrix to a 6-dimensional vector: 3-dimensional translation vector and 3-dimension rotation. But it was denied after I found the equation will always converge at the point where translation vector \(t = [0, 0, 0]^\top\). This is where "pure rotation" happens, the constraint "degenerated". Therefore, I finally added a constraint \(\|t\| = 1\), to restrict the translation vector on a unit sphere. If I can turn the unit sphere manifold to a Lie Group, the the solution can be solve as what one do to the rotation part. Unluckily, the answer was "NO": \(S^2\) manifold cannot be given a Lie Group structure.

Anyway, the idea of constrained optimization is to iterate the state vector without breaking the constraint. The translation vector on unit sphere has degree of 2, the essential matrix was then vectorized to \(E = [\tau_x, \tau_y, \psi_x, \psi_y, \psi_z]^\top\). Every step I calculate the jacobian of the translation vector in two orthogonal directions. In order to preserve the incremental direction, the translation vector is stored in a orthonormal matrix \(T = [t_x, t_y, t_z], T \in SO(3)\). The first two columns of the matrix \(t_x, t_y\) indicates the incremental directions, the last column \(t_z\) is the vector itself.

Cost Function


\[ f(x) = x_1^\top t_z^\wedge R x_2 \tag{2-1} \]

The problem then comes to:

\[ \text{arg}\ \text{min} F(t_z, R) = \frac{1}{2} \sum_{i = 1} ^ n \|f(t_z, R)\|^2 = \frac{1}{2} \sum_{i = 1} ^ n \left( (x_{1,i}^\top t_z^\wedge R x_{2,i})^\top (x_{1,i}^\top t_z^\wedge R x_{2,i}) \right) \tag{2-2} \]


I use numerical method to calculate the jacobian.

\[ J = \left[ \begin{matrix} \frac{\partial f}{\partial \tau_x} & \frac{\partial f}{\partial \tau_y} & \frac{\partial f}{\partial \psi_x} & \frac{\partial f}{\partial \psi_y} & \frac{\partial f}{\partial \psi_z} \end{matrix} \right] \tag{2-3} \]


\[ \begin{cases} \Delta \tau = [\Delta \tau_x, \Delta \tau_y, 0]^\top\\ T_k = \text{exp} (\Delta \tau ^ \wedge) T_{k-1} \\ t_{z,k} = T_{k[:,3]} \\ R_k = \text{exp} (\Delta \psi ^ \wedge) R_{k-1} \end{cases} \tag{2-4} \]


Two cameras were set at position \((0.5, -0.8, 0.5)m\) and \((0.6, -0.8, 0.5)m\), their orientations were presented in rotation vectors: \((-\frac{\pi}{2}, 0, 0)rad\), \((-\frac{\pi}{2}, 0.1, 0)rad\). Totally 60 points were generated.

Fig.1 - Generate point cloud in 3D space, the red arrows indicate the pose of cameras.
Fig.2 - Project points to normalized camera coordinate. The point IDs are known to algorithm so that there is no outliers in matching. [source code]

The Gauss-Newton method was used to calculate the update. Given initial value \(t = (\frac{1}{\sqrt{2}}, \frac{1}{\sqrt{2}}, 0)\), \(\psi = (0, -0.1, 0)\) The cost converged within 10 iterations.

        it: 0, cost: 32027813.76362674
        it: 1, cost: 77838.5880822376
        it: 2, cost: 6281.828095169881
        it: 3, cost: 112.93046933952343
        it: 4, cost: 6.927671506086043
        it: 5, cost: 1.0246290629301655e-07
        it: 6, cost: 1.2263197696799394e-15
        it: 7, cost: 3.9916308419887783e-25
        it: 8, cost: 4.27369517787316e-25
        it: 9, cost: 2.6192914664154937e-25
        t: [ 9.9984608e-01 -7.6998377e-17 -1.7341515e-16], r: [-0.0011568  0.0636558  0.0636558]
        groundtruth: t01: [0.1 0.  0. ], r01: [-0.0011568  0.0636558  0.0636558]
Fig.3 - Cost in iteration.


Compared with eight-point-algorithm, there is no "linear space to manifold" projection required in optimization based method. Every iteration was restricted on manifold. Besides, optimization method does not need essential matrix decomposition. The optimization targets are rotation and translation direction. However, with different iteration initial values, the method may converge to any of the four possible solutions. Developer has to recover four solutions from the converged one and verify all of them. The accuracy of both methods are reliable, errors come from numerical computation.


  1. Xiaoxing. Singular Values of Essential Matrix
  2. Zhang, Zhengyou. "Determining the epipolar geometry and its uncertainty: A review." International journal of computer vision 27.2 (1998): 161-195.